Healing Services
“I have enjoyed working with Helen on my issues, bringing about peace and release; forgiveness and love”
I work intuitively with natural and universal energy to effect change, holistically – on mind, body and spirit.
Energy healing has been practised for thousands of years, has taken many forms and used many different tools and techniques.
My own combined therapies can be considered a holistic healing approach – working with your mind, body and soul to help you feel happier and more fulfilled. An initial consultation during our first session helps me create a bespoke healing approach to support you with your specific needs.
I work as a channel for energy to help you feel well, comfortable in your skin, clear to shape and live the life you want. My clients report a deep sense of relaxation and wellbeing – clear in mind, happy in heart, light in spirit.
My work is non-invasive, discreet and compassionate. What it practically involves emerges during any one-to-one session, which draws together a unique combination of all my experiences, tailored for your individual needs, each time. No two sessions are the same.
I complement my one-to-one healing practice with sound healing for groups using a deeply relaxing gong mediation.
If you'd like to learn more about how I might help you, or to book a session, please get in touch.
Intuitive Guidance
Blending an instinctive understanding of the human condition with spiritual wisdom, without the need for conscious reasoning.
Intuitive guidance is an ancient practice, often considered the preserve of seers and sages, elders and community gurus.
My intuitive reading of your needs, coupled with inspired wisdom, can encourage you to overcome any challenges that may be holding you back – guiding you towards fulfilling more of your potential.
I draw on my ability to feel the physical, emotional and spiritual states of others, sensing those obstacles that make it hard for you to move forward. I bring together my perception of your capabilities and potential with my insight and the unconscious wisdom I call on, to help you find a way to change and progress.
If you're interested in finding out more, or to organise a session in person or online via Zoom, please get in touch.
Mediumship has been offered for thousands of years – offering comfort, resolution and guidance to countless individuals and communities across the globe.
I consider mediumship a form of healing through words, as my clients are confident, calmed and enabled after sittings, with a greater sense of peace and purpose.
My own mediumship is born of a natural clairsentience – my ability to feel or ‘sense’ more of the physical and emotional states of others than can be understood through the five senses.
Drawing on this innate capability, I have learned to connect with and provide a channel for messages from those who have passed to Spirit.
During a sitting, I always endeavour to provide sufficient evidence of a communicator's origin and relationship to a client – my ‘sitter’ – to enable us both to feel confident any words are for them. Consent and trust are crucial.
But I am not like a spiritual telephone exchange, guaranteeing a connection with someone you want to speak to or hear from. While my services are given sincerely, I honour your own free will and choice in all my work and there can be no guarantee that clairsentience and mediumship will give you all that you are looking for.
If you're interested in finding out more, or to organise a sitting in person or online via Zoom, please get in touch.
All of my private sessions are practised in Surbiton or Epsom.
All one–to–one sessions are typically charged at £85 for a 75-minutes session
Concessionary rates may be available, depending on circumstance. Please contact me directly here if you need support and are unable to afford the fees.

“I left feeling like the weight of the world had shifted and someone finally got things about me that I perhaps am not able to vocalise.”
Get in touch